Hand-crafted cider to quench a range of tastes.

About Us
Driftwood Hard Cider Co. initial release of our Whidbey Heirloom cider is handcrafted from fruit sourced from our estate heirloom orchard on our family farm. Our heirloom orchard includes a variety of apples and pears. Having this hand-tended source of fruit at our fingertips gives us the opportunity to produce craft cider to quench a range of tastes.
The harvest, pressing, fermentation, filtering, kegging and bottling all takes place at our facility located on beautiful Whidbey Island, WA. As a family-run business, we take a hands-on approach from the start to finish, ensuring there’s no lack of quality. We have made other ciders in addition to our Whidbey Heirloom and although we do not harvest that fruit ourselves, we still hand-craft, bottle & keg it all at our cidery to provide the highest quality cider for you to enjoy.


Whidbey Heirloom
Style: Semi-Sweet
ABV: 7%
Brix: 1.5
Apples: Russet, King, Crabapples, Gravensteins & Bartlett Pears
Released: March 2018

Island Crush
Style: Semi-Sweet
ABV: 7%
Brix: 1.5 %
Apples: Washington State Apples and Raspberries
Released: August 2019

Harvest Crisp
Style: Semi-Dry
ABV: 7% Brix: 1.5%
Oregon Apples: Dabinett, Golden Russet, Brown Snout, Marechal, Reine des Pommes, Wickson
Released: July 2020

Our 100-plus year-old orchard is the core of our cidery. For many years, these fruits were the source of our family’s award-winning apple/pear wine (Pomo di Moro at Spoiled Dog Winery). Our love of a good, hard cider allowed for a natural transition of extending our passion for winemaking to include cider making.
We personally prune, maintain, and harvest all of the apples from our orchard. It’s a family event -- grinding and pressing to produce a natural juice, ready for fermentation.
The orchard includes a variety of heirloom apples. Though some of our russet apples may not be ideal table apples, they make a great cider. In addition to the apples, our farm also produces a variety of fruit that may create a variety of diverse future ciders, including pears, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, and plums.